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Available Online

Spiritual Mediumship

Accurate Detailed

  • 20 minutes
  • 80 Canadian dollars
  • Zoom Video

Service Description

I provide evidential mediumship about departed loved ones, with details about their personality, life, death, and messages, regardless of how or when they passed. I use advanced training in medical and spiritual mediumship, science, and coaching applications to provide accurate information and messages beyond traditional models. I begin with a brief intuitive body scan and if I sense anything of concern may suggest you seek medical care. Prepaid appointments are registered in the PST zone with a credit card payment. Select an appointment from the calendar when booking. You receive an email confirmation of your payment with a Zoom link to connect to your appointment. I provide detailed notes of your session by email. Ensure your Zoom account is up to date and works before your session. Phone appointments are available in British Columbia. To understand my accuracy see the Testimonials page.

Contact Details

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada

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